• Capraia, wild island and more ...

Capraia, wild island

Capraia, wild island
The island of Capraia is the third largest in the Tuscan Archipelago, it is located north-west of the Elba island just 16 miles from Corsica and 36 miles from Livorno.... - Agriturismoverde
Capraia, wild island

Capraia, wild island

Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight

The island of Capraia is the third largest in the Tuscan Archipelago, it is located north-west of the Elba island just 16 miles from Corsica and 36 miles from Livorno. Capraia is an island of volcanic origin with the eruption cone still clearly visible in the splendid Cala Rossa. An extraordinary spectacle of sculpture due to the erosion of the lava by the wind and the sea: sheer steep coasts, brightly colored rocks and intense color contrasts.

Inside narrow valleys overlooked by small mountains crossed by vadi which in winter descend to the sea creating small waterfalls and lakes. In spring, before landing, it is possible to smell the scent of the island from afar that welcomes us with a very rich and varied vegetation where it is possible to admire some species that are endemic or common only to the Tuscan archipelago. The only inhabited centers are the tourist port and the town on the overhanging promontory, characteristic for its alleys descending from the strong San Rocco al Faro di Punta Ferraione.

There is only a paved road that connects the port to the town and a panoramic road of Napoleonic origin that can only be traveled on foot. The paths run through the uninhabited part of Capraia and allow long walks, you can enter the Mediterranean scrub that dominates the whole island, admire dozens of breeds of birds, families of wild rabbits and on the even the friendly mouflons are more unlikely.

Here's the article: Here

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